Monday, February 25, 2013

Creative Practice 7 ~ The Healing Wall

I just created a Facebook event for the Healing Wall we are making. 
Here is what the event looks like on Facebook and the link!/events/417917298292162/?notif_t=plan_user_invited

Now to invite 5000 friends from all over the world.
We will also send this out on our eblast database of 2000 more people and post it on our website.
How exciting to think I we will be receiving prayer requests and drawings from around the globe!

Healing Wall
We are creating a healing wall out of clay tiles!
If you need healing, a loved one or a friend, we will make
them a 5 x 5 clay prayer tile!
Please facebook message or email us at
... an 8.5 x 11 paper with:
- The person's name
- Their prayer request
- a quick drawing/sketch that is colored that reflects the person.
such as:
Things they like or colors they like: flowers/purple
Symbols; butterfly – new beginnings …
Healing colors; pink, green, tublue
Scripture: their life scripture, one God gives you
Prophetic word or prayer over their life
A word: faith, believe etc.
Scan the drawing and attache it to a facebook message or
an email and send it to us at

It does not need to be a great work of art/drawing just a way of
expressively creating a picture that represents the person needing
prayer. We will make a tile from the drawing you send us and
continue to pray for the person. When the tile is complete it will be
put on the Healing Wall at The 4th Door Worship Arts Healing Center,
along with the other clay prayer tiles.

We will post pictures on this event page of the prayer requests,
tiles and progress of the healing wall so everyone can be a part.

When the Healing Wall is completed with the prayer tiles from all
around the world we will have a big celebration at The 4th Door
Worship Arts Healing Center.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Creative Blog 6 ~ Healing Wall Tiles and more

Healing Wall ~ Clay Tiles
As I was contemplating and researching art in healthcare facilities programs for my assignment this week, I found a hospital that had a healing wall made out of clay tiles.  Each tile was for someone who was sick or had been ill in the hospital and was made by them or their family. 
I was so excited when I saw this and thought what a great idea for the art on the walls for the healing environment at our center we are creating.  We have been having music and art healing gatherings on Sunday nights and people from all around the world send us their prayer requests.  I decided to make some healing tiles this past Sunday night for a couple of people who had sent in their prayer request.
 Joke, from Holland, I emailed her about the healing tiles and asked if she could make a drawing of a tile, email it back and I would make her tile for her.  She sent right back her picture (see below) for her tile so I had her tile to make and one for a dear friend. 
At the healing gathering myself, Rachel, Kayla (5yrs ) and Isaiah (7yrs) all made healing tiles.  Kayla and Isaiah made one for their young friends who are sick (see below). Rachel’s tile was for her dad who has been diagnosed with the beginning stages of Parkinson’s. (see below her drawing and tile)
I wanted to start with a smaller group first and next week I plan to invite the people who are there to make a tile for themselves, a friend or love one who is ill.  I realized by having the people who come to our gatherings from the region make healing tiles the community is becoming involved.  I also realized, when the picture from Holland came, that the clay healing tile project was not just for the local community but for the community around the world.  So this week I am going to respond to all the prayer requests that come in by sharing the vision for the healing wall/tiles and invite them to sketch a picture of their tile and we will make them.
As I made the tiles I found myself praying for the person.  The tile I made for my friend was in pink and turquoise background colors, her favorite colors.  I took a palm branch (symbolizing victory) and pressed it into the painted clay tile.  The pattern that emerged from this looked like a sun with rays; this was totally an unexpected design.  It reminded me of the scripture, “The son of righteousness will rise with healing in His wings”, and so I wrote it on the back of her tile.
I have posted pictures of the tiles made below, they are at the green ware stage and still need to be glazed and fired in the kiln. I will post again next week the tiles made from the people at the upcoming healing gathering and around the world.  I will also post more on the concept as I meditate and research about healing walls this week.
Healing Garden
The healing garden we will be creating out on the balcony is starting to come along; I am in the beginning stages of designing it on graph paper and have chosen a few plants.  I am trying to work with medicinal plants for healing that do not require much water like Aloe and others.  I have also researched some options for planters, seating, lighting and art for the outdoor walls.  I hope to have some drawings for the garden next week. 

Large ~ Tree of Life
I did some sketching and started building a small proto type with clay using the coil hand building technique.  I am using the clay tree for my assignment this week so I thought it would be good for me to create a smaller tree to get some ideas for the large tree of life.  See the pictures below; the tree is in very beginning stages have not started to sculpt yet.  I also discovered some pvc piping in the basement of our center, perfect for the base of the Tree of Life.
Ocean ~ Backdrop (curtains)
I have not made a lot of progress on this during the week but I did get the idea to think of the curtains across the back wall as a back drop.  I also decided to have the backdrop be clear and then create the blue colors with lights hidden in the soffits.  There will also be small fans mounted in the soffit to create movement in the backdrop.
These are some of the things I have started to create this week for the healing environment.  The healing wall clay tiles for the art on the walls of the center have been my main focus this week.  My plan is to create a community project with the tiles during the meetings and pottery classes we are having at the center next week and through March.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Creating a Healing Environment 2

All of my creative thoughts have been on creating a healing environment at The 4th Door Worship Arts Healing Center.  My main focus right now is on:
Ø  A  wall of curtains that will function as curtains for the two sliders on the back wall and as a backdrop designed to look and feel like the ocean.  I want to try to create similar healing qualities that one feels when they meditate on the ocean.
o   The fabric will go across the whole back wall from the ceiling to the floor
o   The blue colors of the sheer fabric will be layered creating the color indigo like the deep blue ocean.  I want to try and find fabric that when it moves it will change in areas to white like the breaking of the ways.  I also will look for fabric that has gold glitter on it like the sunlight reflecting on the water.
o   At the top there will be a wood soffit that will hide the curtain rod and also have lighting to light up the fabric ocean wall at night.  I also want to mount small fans like you get for your car, behind the curtains.  This will cause the curtains to move like the ocean.
I have decided to buy fabric or curtain panels instead of painting the fabric myself.  I know that there are fabrics that when they moves change color.  I plan to search out the fabric this week at fabric stores and also look at ready made curtains.  I have been searching online for ideas and found a backdrop but it is not really what I am wanting.  See picture below.
Ø  Designing and building a Tree of Life.  Last week, while in Mexico, I saw a wrought iron tree with metal leaves and red glass hearts hanging from it, in a store (see pictures). I started getting some ideas of having a metal frame for the tree trunk and using fabric to define the trunk.  I still think I want to incorporate silk branches and leaves for actual branches of the tree.  I found a picture of a tree of life with wrought iron and metal, that kind of looks like fabric on the trunk  (See picture). I do not like the form of the tree but it does give an idea of what I want to create. I plan to make some sketches and continue to search for how I want to structure the tree this week.
Ø  Wellness garden out on the enclosed balcony.  I have started to research out small gardens online and what plants will grow in Florida with minimal care.  I want to research out Japanese Gardens, they are designed with  peace and harmony in mind.
So these are the 3 areas I am concentrating on.  I plan to have my ideas sketched out this week for the wall of curtains, and hopefully the fabric to begin creating it.  I also plan on researching out ideas for the balcony wellness garden.  I will share more on my specific ideas later for the garden and hope to make a drawing of it on sketch paper soon.   I am so excited to start creating the healing environment.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Creative Practice Blog 4 ~ Time For Myself

I have decided to focus my blog this week on self care, since I am in the perfect environment this week to take some needed time for myself.  I am on a ministry conference cruise with my family.
My self- care, while on the ship has been:
-          Meditative time out on our balcony.
o   Reading my bible, journaling and spending time with God
§  This has been strengthening me spiritually.
§  I have been studying in my bible about water (ocean, waterfalls, rivers), the tree of life and healing and art in the bible.
·         When David played his harp for Saul and the troubled spirits departed from Saul.
o   Contemplated if the basis for a harpist to play in patient’s hospital rooms came from David playing over Saul? Will be researching this out.
o   watching and contemplating the mysteries of the ocean and the sunsets.
§  I absolutely love being on the ocean!

-          Movement
o    Interpretive Dance - each day while my husband Steve plays music for the ministry conference.
§  The conference is being held in one of the lounges on the ship so there is a lot of floor space all around the outer edges of the room to dance freely.
·         To be able to dance like this each day has been a release of expression and creativity for me.  It is strengthening me physically and emotionally.
o   I find as I begin to move, my thoughts are on movement and healing. I am searching for new understanding.
o   Walking the track each day
§  This has been great exercise and has helped to clear my mind.
·         I cannot help but notice the unique difference in each person, no two are alike.
o   Each person has their own gait, way of walking.
o   I am contemplating different aspects of movement and healing.
I am thankful for being on the ocean on the Liberty of the Seas Ship this week taking some time for myself.  It is refreshing and I realize how important taking time for self-care is in the arts and medicine field.